Monday, August 3, 2009

1984; it was only a matter of time.

There has to be a branding opportunity in here somewhere.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

I love this album cover and am pretty excited about the music too. 

Wimbledon: Protecting the Brand

As one of the most iconic sporting events gets under way this week, there is something noticeably absent from the court: Logos.  Compared to other sporting events and venues, Wimbeldon has relatively few logos of its sponsors on display. The reason is quite simple. The organizers are protecting its brand. If every serve, return, volley, and ground stroke was brought to the audience by a corporate service, the Wimbeldon brand would arguably be weaker. It is an interesting concept that seems to flourish in the UK and nose-dive in the states. 

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Clifford Still

Progressive. Abstract expressionist. Richmonder.

Corporate Redesign: The Logo and The New Economy

Published: May 30, 2009

The world economy is in mid-swan dive. Wallets are in lockdown. So how does a company get people to feel just a little bit better about buying more stuff? (And perhaps burnish a brand that has taken some public relations lumps?)

Behold the new breed of corporate logo — non-threatening, reassuring, playful, even child-like. Not emblems of distant behemoths, but faces of friends.

“A logo is to a company what a face is to a person,” said Michel Tuan Pham, a professor of marketing at the Columbia Business School. “It’s hard to memorize facts about a person when you only know their name but you haven’t seen their face.” So logos remind consumers about companies’ traits and pluck at emotions — “the glue that ties all the information about the brand name together,” Mr. Pham said.

The economy, environment, image repair — new logos may address all of these. They are also meant to stand out in a crowd, but there are striking similarities among recent redesigns.

TONED-DOWN TYPE Bold, block capital letters are out. Their replacements are mostly or entirely lower case, softening the stern voice of corporate authority to something more like an informal chat.

“Logos have become less official-looking and more conversational,” said Patti Williams, a professor of marketing at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. “They’re not yelling. They’re inviting. They’re more neighborly.”

Blogs and e-mail, Ms. Williams said, may be encouraging a quieter, calmer, lower-case branding vernacular. Who isn’t tired of screeds that assault the reader via THE CAPS LOCK KEY?

Letterforms in many new emblems are lighter and rounder — an extended family of homogenized fonts that would be comfortable on a local newsletter or generic Web page.

FRIENDLY FLOURISHES Kraft Foods has joined and Hasbro, all represented by logos that smile. And to further lighten the corporate mood, whimsy in the form of sprigs and bursts has been appended to several big brands.

Wal-Mart’s old mark was navy blue, but it felt Red State. The company has been under heavy attack for its labor and environmental practices, bruising its brand in bluer quarters.

A major image overhaul is under way, and a new logo is starting to appear across the country. The military-style Wal-Mart star has given way to a yellow twinkle that punctuates a new message: this is a company that cares, with fast and friendly service and a fresh, innovative outlook, according to Linda Blakley, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman.

Ms. Williams, of Wharton, said the softer Wal-Mart logo serves another purpose: to stand apart from the bright reds and louder typography of its main competitors, Kmart and Target. While Target’s design says bold and cutting-edge, Wal-Mart’s sends a signal that it is approachable and sincere, she said.

HAPPIER COLORS “The economy is the No. 1 influence this year,” said John H. Bredenfoerder, a color expert and design director at Landor Associates, the brand-consulting company that produced the new Cheer detergent emblem. Amid all the gloom, he said, “people need a little joy in their lives.”

Cue the new logos: electric blue type with accents in school bus yellow, red, purple, orange and green.

Last year’s top influence, green for sustainability, remains; leaves still sprout across the corporate landscape.

Mr. Bredenfoerder said that blue was also gaining as a stand-in for the environment (think of earth’s blue orb as seen from space, or clear blue waters) as well as for fresh optimism. But please, make it a joyful sky blue — not dark, corporate-titan navy.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Some of us have been, and some of us have not. If you were there in February you might have seen Vetiver play their song Sister a la Maroquinerie.

This video is a good example of some fine triangle work.

Scenes From a Rooftop

This is a brilliant short film that uses a combination of tilt-shift photography and stop motion. To create this look the director shot thousands of still photographs and edited them together creating a surreal environment out of otherwise mundane routines.

Scenes from a rooftop from Paul Johannessen on Vimeo.

Speaking of Logos

Logos don't make the brand, but they can be entertaining to view.  

Here are some particularly good designs.